Important - Due to a Global IT outage our computer systems are currently not fully functional. This is affecting our normal service and may result in delays in prescriptions being issued and cancellation of GP/nurse appointments. We are working with the NHS IT partners to resolve the issue. As always, in case of urgent need please dial 111 or for emergencies dial 999. Thank you for your patience.

Wakemans Hill Surgery

1 Wakemans Hill Avenue. Colindale. London NW9 0TA

Telephone: 0208 205 2336

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

Practice Policies

Use Of Personal Health Information

The practice manages the confidentiality of your medical records in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Please note that medical records are subject to inspection by the Primary Care Team or its equivalent, for the purpose of financial audit, record validation and research. Should you wish your records to be excluded from such inspection or use, please speak with the reception staff.

Everyone working in the NHS has a duty to keep information about you confidential.

Sometimes you may receive care from other people as well as the NHS (for example, social services or private healthcare).  We may need to share some information about you with them; this is so that we can work together to provide the best possible care for you.

If someone who is not caring for you asks us for information about you or your health, we will ask for your written permission before we tell them anything.  We will not pass the information on if you do not want us to.

We will keep your records securely and only share details when there is a genuine need to know.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Please remember we are here to help you and will not tolerate any form of abusive/threatening behaviour towards any member of staff at any time.  Behaviour of this kind may result in your name being removed from our practice list.  Serious incidents will be reported to the police.

Patient Charter

Your Doctor and Staff will endeavour to do their best for you.  But they need your help to provide the best care for all patients.  Please support us by following these simple guidelines:

Help Us To Help You

  • Please treat your doctor and staff with politeness and respect.
  • If you change your address or telephone number please notify the surgery as soon as possible.
  • No food or drink to be brought into the surgery
  • When attending the doctors please wear suitable clothing for examinations
  • Please cancel appointments that are no longer required as getting an appointment can be very difficult due to high demand.
  • Please be punctual for your appointment.  Patients who arrive late may have to wait as the doctor’s will see those patients who arrive on time.  If you arrive more than 10 minutes late you may have to rebook your appointment as our doctors may be unable to see you.
  • Please switch off your mobile phone while in the surgery.
  • Please request your repeat prescription in good time – this will help avoid delays.
  • Please do not keep outdated medicines at home.  Return them to your local pharmacy.

Comments and Compliments – Friends and Family Test

We value your feedback on the service we provide, the friends and family test is one way for patients to give feedback, please tell us what we are doing well as well as what we are not doing so well, any suggestions for improvements are welcome.  Please complete a feedback form and pass to our receptionist or if you prefer you can complete the short survey via our website.

Formal Complaints

The practice operates a complaints procedure in line with the NHS regulations called local resolution.  A copy of the procedure can be obtained at reception.  If you feel a complaint is necessary please contact the Practice Manager either by phone or in writing.

Data Security and Protection Polices

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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