Important - Due to a Global IT outage our computer systems are currently not fully functional. This is affecting our normal service and may result in delays in prescriptions being issued and cancellation of GP/nurse appointments. We are working with the NHS IT partners to resolve the issue. As always, in case of urgent need please dial 111 or for emergencies dial 999. Thank you for your patience.

Wakemans Hill Surgery

1 Wakemans Hill Avenue. Colindale. London NW9 0TA

Telephone: 0208 205 2336

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

Patient Participation Group

The objective of the Patient’s group is to;

• Involve the community in surgery service development
• Include Patient’s group in deciding which issues affecting patient’s to review ie Clinical, opening time, appointments, services etc.

  • The group meet again to discuss the results and action from the survey.
    Participation is voluntary and open to all.

We aim for patient group to be representative of our patient population:

There are 10 patients in our group 6 Female and 4 male persons. 5 people are over 60 and 5 under 60yrs old. Among them 2 people are under 40 with children. There are 4 Asian, 4 European and 2 of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity.

Patient Reference Group:

The practice invited patients to join the PPG. From this group some patients were selected to represent the PPG’s views. We are always looking for new patients. If you have the time and commitment please let the practice manager know.

Frequency of PRG Meetings:

Practice holds at least 3 meeting a year.

Meeting for the year 2013-14:

Already had 2 meetings on 6 December 2013 and 24 Feb 2014

Agenda and minutes of the meetings:

6 December 2013:

Agenda 1: Opening by Dr. Ijeoma Ukachukwu.

Dr. Ukachukwu introduced herself, explained the background of the meeting and the objectives of the patient’s participation group:
The objective of the Patient’s group is to;
• Involve community in surgery service development
• Include Patient’s group in deciding patient’s survey area ( Clinical, opening time, appointments, services etc)
• Discuss the questionnaire with the group.
• Practice will conduct the survey.
• In another meeting practice will discuss the result of the survey and choose one problem to solve.
The date of the meeting will be informed in a letter to the member of the Patient’s Group.
Membership is a voluntary type.

Agenda 2: Open discussion about areas ; clinical , services, opening time, appointment systems , dealing with DNAs hospitals and surgery appointments or related matters where surgery can make improvement.

Participants took part in the discussions and commented that there are improvement in the surgery which is noticeable and improved greatly. Patients can get emergency same day appointments easily, receptionist are friendly but participants openly raised some issues resolving which could improve the services more, those are;

– Online prescription – Online booking appointments – In emergency appointments choices for doctors – Improvement of customer care – Problems getting through the phone
Dr. Ukachukwu assured that we will take measures to consider some of these problems to solve. The review will be done in the next meeting.

Agenda 3: Finalize patient’s survey questionnaire to collect views from the patients and make changes according.
The sample questionnaire for patient’s survey has been discussed thoroughly and the questionnaire was approved by the group. Data collection will start ASAP and report should be completed by Feb 2014 . The result of the report will be discussed with the PPG and depending on patients comments this year two top priority problems will be selected by the group and action plan will be developed to solve those problems.

Agenda 4: Dr. Ukachukwu thanked participants for joining the meeting.
Agenda and Minutes of 24 Feb 2014Agenda for the PRG meeting: 24 Feb 2014 , Time : 14:00 – 15:00pm
1. Opening by Dr. Ijeoma Ukachukwu 2. Introduce yourself 3. Presentation of Survey Results- Nazma Ansari 4. Presentation of patients comments – Dr. Ukachukwu 5. Open discussion on the results and comments 6. Prioritise problems and select one problem to resolve in 2014 7. Decide deadline and action plan 8. Closing the meeting by Dr. Ijeoma Ukachukwu

PRG agreed on the following changes to be made by the practice , those are;
1. Increase more male doctor’s hours 2. Increase more nurses hours 3. Improve telephone messaging system

The full survey report is enlcosed in PRG- Patient Survey Tab.

Building Healthy Partnerships

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
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